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  1. So sad to here of the passing of Walter Hutchison and Major David Meehan. Knew them both very well- Walter via regimental Association, attendance at Hibs matches and when I was a Member of the Glenbeanie Gang. Worked closely with Major David Meehan when he was Chairman of The Royal Scots Benevolence Society during the latter years of my tenure as Secretary.
    Both kind and generous individuals and loyal Members of the Regiment. Both will be sadly missed. RIP Walter and David. UP THE ROYALS

  2. East of Scotland Branch / East Lothian Armed Forces & Veterans Breakfast club send our Deepest Condolences to Family and friends of the late Walter and Gina Hutchison, we are all deeply saddened to hear of their passing.
    All our thoughts and prayers are with you all at this sad and difficult Time.
    Both Walter and Gina were great supporters of our Branch and Breakfast club, both will be sorely missed.

  3. Legion Scotland will hold a Christmas Carol Service in the Canongate Kirk at 1600 on Sunday 17 December 2023. See Upcoming Events for further details.

  4. Mr Walter Hutchison

    It is with great sadness that we report the death on 1 Dec 2023 of Mr Walter Hutchison. Our thoughts are with his family and friends. Further details will be promulgated when known.

    1. Rest easy Walter your duty is over
      thoughts and condolences to family and friends,

    2. Will be greatly missed was a great wee golfer. Condolences to his family at this sad time.

    3. Deeply saddened by this news as one of the most kindest gentleman and Royal Scots’ brother.The Glenbeanie Gang will miss you so much Walter.
      Fly High aboon them aw palUntil The Grandiozo Re-org Bro R.I.P.Walter Hutchison.
      Sincere Condolences to Gina and The Family at this sad time.x

    4. Walter’s passing is a great loss in all sorts of respects. I remember him as far back as the first NI tour in 1970.

    5. On behalf of the Southern Branch would like to send condolences too the
      Families of Major David Meehan and Walter Hutchison on their sad loss.
      Alex Moore
      Southern Branch


    It is with great sadness that we report the death on 27 November 2023 of Major David Meehan, 1 RS 1956 – 1981. Our thoughts are with his family and friends. Further details will be promulgated when known.

    1. Sad, sad news. Friend of so many years, fellow adventurer and best man at our wedding in 1962.
      Our love and condolences to Valerie and the family
      John and Barbara

    2. Very sad news. Well remembered from Tidworth and Cyprus.

  6. St Andrew’s Day Service St Cuthbert’s Church – 30 Nov

    The annual St Andrew’s Day Service will be held at St Cuthbert’s Church, Lothian Road, Edinburgh at 1400 on Thursday 30 November. The service is hosted by the Friends of St Andrew’s Jerusalem & Tiberius, also known as the Scots Memorial Church, which is a church in Jerusalem built as a memorial to the Scottish soldiers who were killed fighting the Turkish Army during the Sinai and Palestine campaign of World War I.
    4 and 7 RS were redeployed from Gallipoli to Palestine 1916-17 and 1 RS were in Palestine in 1938 during the Arab Revolt.

    All are welcome to attend

  7. BURN’S NIGHT – Sat 27 Jan 2024

    To the Members of the Royal Scots Regimental Family.

    We have the pleasure of inviting you as Members of the Regimental family to a very Scottish event, the East of Scotland Branch Burns Night.

    Join us for this very special cultural event to celebrate the life of Scotland’s most famous bard, Robert Burns, and enjoy Scottish heritage at its finest!

    Please share this night full of culture with your friends and colleagues and invite them all to join us; it will be a great encouragement and support to all our team to see you there.

    This year’s event will be held on the 27th of January 2024 at the Royal British Legion Prestonpans. The ticket price is £20 and includes a welcome drink, 3-course meal with haggis fresh from Scotland, wine, whisky, soft drinks, and tea/coffee as well as plenty of entertainment that this event is famous for!

    Looking forward to seeing you on the night.

    Payment: Please make payment to:
    Amount: £20 per person
    Account Name: East of Scotland Branch, The Royal Scots Association
    Account Number: 00165096
    Account Sort Code: 83-26-20
    Please put as a reference: Your Name/Burns Night

    Once you have paid, please inform one of the following, Chairman, Secretary or Treasurer so your name can be added to the nominal roll.

    For ticket sales or any other questions please contact Chairman, Secretary or Treasurer or by calling 07912859976. No ticket sales on the night, advance booking is essential.

  8. I was saddened to hear of the passing of Jo McFadyen. She was a lovely lady who played her part in supporting Peter throughout his career. My thoughts and prayers are with Peter and the family. Danny

  9. Association bank account

    As part of incorporating the Association in the new Royal Scots Regimental Trust charity a new Association bank account has been opened and the existing account will be closed soon. Details of the new account can be obtained from the Association Treasurer, Jamie Colquhoun, or the Regimental Office. If you pay your Association subscriptions by standing order please amend the details to the new bank account.

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