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  1. Annual Korean War Memorial Service

    The annual service to commemorate the end of the Korean War will be held at 1100 on Saturday 27 Jul 2024 at the Scottish Korean War Memorial, Witchcraig Wood, Torphicen, West Lothian.

    All those attending are asked to arrive between 1030 and 1045 the service will commence at 1100. There is free car parking on site and a reception will be held directly after the service in the Bathgate Royal British Legion Club, 50 North Bridge Street, Bathgate, EH48 4PL. All are welcome to attend.


    Please visit NOTICES to view a selection of photos from the very successful exhibition to engage and communicate with the community about the First of Foot’s 373 Years heritage.

    Sincere thanks to Hearts FC for hosting the exhibition as part of their 150th Celebrations, and to all those both in our Regimental Family and from external organisations for their support and assistance to the Regimental Museum Outreach Team.

    Over 800 visitors experienced the reaching- out from our physical Museum in Edinburgh Castle to people in our former recruiting area exhibition.

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