This event is now fully booked.

Hi all, We hope you are all well.  Due to unforeseen circumstances, we needed to change the location of the Stewart Snedden Memorial Golf 2024.

As this was short notice, the Admin Team worked quickly to secure a new location at Kingsknowe Golf Club.  The date (Friday 31 May 2024) and time to meet (0700Hrs) are still the same.

To ensure this change of location reaches everyone can we ask that you pass it onto other members of your team/flight including the caddies and any friends you know are attending. Thank you.

Please click the link below for the location of Kingsknowe Golf Club on Google Maps.

We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.

Admin team.,+326+Lanark+Rd,+Edinburgh+EH14+2JD/@55.9144334,-3.2765365,15.75z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x4887c6bfc3f0881d:0x6aa7f11a07bd0cc4!8m2!3d55.9139217!4d-3.2625765!16s%2Fg%2F1tf6wy3l?entry=ttu